
  • 公司地区:上海市浦东新区
  • 注册资本:1750万美元
  • 实际金额: 1750万美元
  • 成立日期: 2000-03-24
  • 官网地址:
  • 信用代码:91310000607414904R
  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区俱进路685号3楼



玛涅蒂玛瑞利集团是世界着名的汽车零部件制造商,隶属于意大利菲亚特集团。集团自1919年成立以来,一直潜心致力于汽车零部件的设计、开发、生产和系统配套业务;业务涉及动力系统、排放系统、电子系统、悬挂系统和车灯等多个领域。玛涅蒂玛瑞利集团在全球如意大利、法国、德国、西班牙、波兰等地开设有研发和生产基地。现集团在全球共有员工近2万人;工厂49个;研发中心24个。集团稳步发展,在业界享有良好声誉;在全球拥有大众、奥迪、宝马、雪铁龙、标致、阿尔法罗密欧、法拉利、菲亚特、梅塞德斯-奔驰、欧宝、雷诺、萨博、沃尔沃、福特、通用、克莱斯勒、大宇、现代、丰田、本田、日产等客户,是世界主要的汽车零配件制造商。玛涅蒂玛瑞利集团目前在中国建有五家独资企业:1996年,广州马瑞利汽车仪表有限公司成立,其主要产品为:电子仪表、车身电子模块等;2000年,马瑞利动力系统(上海)有限公司成立,其主要产品为电子控制单元、进气歧管模块(包括节气门体、传感器、油轨、喷嘴等)和包含叁元催化器的全套排气系统;2003年,马瑞利汽车零部件(芜湖)有限公司在安徽芜湖成立,其主要产品为塑料进气歧管、喷油嘴、选速器和车灯等高新技术产品。2011年,马瑞利汽车零部件(长沙)有限公司成立,其主要产品为汽车排气系统。2012年,马瑞利汽车照明系统(佛山)有限公司成立,其主要产品为车灯,并在长春和合肥成立了新的合资公司,主要产品为动力系统和排气系统等产品。在未来的五年里,玛涅蒂玛瑞利集团将会在中国成为一个成功的典范,并以此为基准为顾客和供应商提供产品和管理行为方面的创新。Magneti Marelli Group is renowned as a world leader in the design, production and supply of automotive systems which belongs to Fiat Group from Italy. Found in 1919, the group has acquired and maintained a leading position in Powertrain System, Exhaust System, Electronic System, suspension system and Lighting business area up to now. Magneti Marelli Grope have the R&D and produciton places all over the world, such as Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Mexico, Brazil, China and Malaysia and today there are almost 20000 employees, 49 plants, 24 R&D centers. Now Magneti Marelli Group developed steadily and be renowned in the world; She is the main components manufacture business supplier in the world with Global Coverage customers (including VW, Audi, BMW, Citroen, Peugeot, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Fiat, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Renault, Saab, Volvo, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Daewoo, Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, etc.).Magneti Marelli Group has set up 3 companies in China till now: Guangzhou Magneti Marelli Motor Vehicle Instruments Co., Ltd, setting up in 1996, main products include Electron instruments, Body Computer and so on; Magneti Marelli Powertrain (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. setting up in 2000, main products include ECU, Intake Manifold Module (including Throttle body, Sensor, Fuel Rail, Injector) and Exhaust System (including 3 Way Catalytic Converter). Magneti Marelli Automotive Components (Wuhu) Co., Ltd. setting up in 2003, main products include Plastic fuel manifold, Intake manifold, Throttle bodies, Auto-lamp such high-tech products. Magneti Marelli Automotive Components (Changsha) Co., Ltd. was setting up in 2011, main product is Exhaust System. In 2012, Magneti Marelli automotive lighting (Foshan) Co., Ltd was set up in Foshan, main product is Auto-lamp, and also set up two Joint-ventures in Changchun and Hefei, their product is powertrain system and Exhaust System respectively.Magneti Marelli will be a winning model in China, in next 5 years, and a benchmark for customers and suppliers, innovative in products and management behaviors.推荐路线:1.地铁2号线科技馆站7号出口出,在丁香路乘坐815路公交车,往外高桥方向到“保税区四号门”下;2.乘坐地铁6号线,在“航津路站”下;公司离该站点有约3公里距离,故不建议步行,建议乘坐出租车或摩托车到达公司。




