深圳奥斯翰外语学校 国际部

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深圳奥斯翰外语学校成立于2004年,是经深圳市教育局批准创办的国有民办全日制完全中学。学校于2008年通过了ISO 9001优质管理体系认证;2010年奥斯翰已被录入英国大学联盟数据库(UCAS);2012年与日本静冈理工科大学建立课程合作关系;2013年被深圳市教育局批准为国际课程实验项目学校,同年亦被市教育局评为高考先进单位;2014年通过了教育部基础教育课程教材发展中心(NCCT)教育国际化认证;2016年12月被评为广东省依法治校示范校;2019年学校被国际文凭组织(IBO)正式批准为IB世界学校。学校坐落于深圳市罗湖区,交通便利。学校师资雄厚,教职工分别来自加拿大、美国、英国、韩国、日本及中国本土, 采用小班制教学模式,为来自中国及海外14个国家的学生提供个性化教学。
Founded in 2004 and approved by the Shenzhen Education Bureau,Oxstand is a full-day secondary private school in Luohu District, Shenzhen. Oxstand obtained ISO9001 Quality Management System accreditation in 2008 and was accepted into UCAS in 2010. In 2012, Oxstand offered Japanese courses in cooperation with Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology. In 2013, Oxstand was recognized as an Excellent School in College Entrance Examination by Shenzhen Education Bureau. In 2014, Oxstand obtained Educational Internationalization Accreditation from NCCT, and in 2016, was recognized as a Provincial Level Model School in compliance with national and provincial rules and regulations. Oxstand was approved as an IB World School by the IBO in 2019. Oxstand has an international teaching and administrative team which includes our qualified teachers who come from all over the world: Canada, the US, the UK, Korea, Japan and China. Students are from 14 countries and regions. The preferable teacher-student ratio mean that students receive personalized counseling in a multi-language teaching environment throughout their school years.
Intelligence, Courage, Modesty and Diligence
与世界同步 培养跨时代精英人才
Nurturing Global Leaders in Sync with Times
Oxstand International School is a student-oriented community that develops independent, confident, open and internationally minded students by inspiring them to become global leaders who are culturally sensitive.

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