
  • 公司地区:福建省泉州市丰泽区
  • 公司法人:赵建河
  • 注册资本:3610万美元
  • 实际金额: 3610万美元
  • 成立日期: 1998-07-18
  • 官网地址:
  • 信用代码:913500006115816339
  • 公司地址:泉州市丰泽区东海滨城格联通街格林工业园



格林集团之前身―泉州格林服装有限公司(福建格林集团有限公司)创建于1992年,专业生产各类针、梭织童装、内衣裤、文胸、泳装、运动休闲童鞋及婴幼童用品等产品。公司位于美丽的泉州东海滨城,并拥有12万平方米花园式厂房,现有3000多名员工,年出口创汇3200多万美元。其产品远销欧洲、美国、等40多个国家地区。集团生产的“DADIDA”(嗒嘀嗒)童装、童鞋、婴幼儿用品等产品,销售遍及北京、上海、广州等200多个大中城市,拥有800多家专卖店,产品以其设计新颖、做工精细获得了较高的美誉度。集团荣获“中国名牌产品”、“国家出口免验”、“产品质量国家免检”等殊荣,是国内唯一的童装企业获国家质检总局颁发“国”字号三大奖项大满贯的得主。集团还作为国内唯一的童装企业代表参与国家发改委主持的《婴幼儿童装及服饰》标准的制定。格林集团秉承“诚信、进取、奉献、友爱”的企业精神,坚持“以人为本,以客为尊,以质为先,以和为贵”的经营方针。集团通过了ISO9001:2000版质量管理体系认证、ISO14001:2004版环境管理体系认证和瑞士Oeko-Tex100生态纺织品认证。在社会各界的关心支持下,通过全体员工的不懈努力,以质量求市场,以服务求发展,扩大规模,创建品牌,向生产儿童用品系列的国际集团公司目标稳步迈进,同时也希望广大客商加盟合作,共铸你我辉煌!Fujian Green Group Company Limited (also named as Quanzhou Green Garments Co.,Ltd ) is granted as one of “the top 100 best garment enterprises in China” for a successive three years.We now have a garden like factory with an area of 80,000 square meters, a working staff of more than 3000 members and an annual output value of more than 32,000,000 US dollars.We specialized in the designing and manufacturing of various kinds of knitting and woven baby wears,knitting under wears,brassicres and children shoes etc. Our prducts enjoy high popularity among over 30 countries such as Europe, the Middle East,Russia,South America and so on.We have succeeded in creating and delivering of “DADIDA” brand series unique and high quality baby wears in more than 250 cities around the world.We have passed the authentication of OeKoTex100 and the certification of ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System.Our company was awarded as one of the “LARGEST 10 CHINA CHILDREN’S GARMENTS BRAND”, “CHINA TOP BRAND ”and “ENTERPRISE FOR EXEMPTION FROM EXPORT INSPECTION” etc.Sincerely hope to cooperate with you and develop our shining future together! 经营品牌:嗒嘀嗒




