
  • 公司地区:上海市宝山区
  • 公司法人:JULIA LI
  • 注册资本:7.3038万美元
  • 实际金额: -
  • 成立日期: 2003-03-06
  • 官网地址:http://www.hcdlearning.com
  • 信用代码:91310000747623206H
  • 公司地址:上海市宝山区沪太路8419号2幢-4



合得国际(HCD Global),是一家培训和创新学习技术公司,专长于电脑商战模拟培训及行业专业课程。2001年起,合得国际作为欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)电脑商战模拟培训的独家中国合作伙伴,为跨国公司及中国的领军企业培养了大批高级管理人才。HCD Global Ltd is a leading management training and innovative learning technology firm focused on business simulations and industry-specific courses. Since 2001, HCD has trained a huge number of employees from China’s biggest companies, and as INSEAD’s only strategic partner of business simulations in China, HCD gained the reputation as the leader of business simulations.我们的特色 Unique Feature利用技术平台,创建竞争的学习环境,坚持“做中学”;合得国际为中国部分重点行业定制并完善了一整套成熟的行业特设电脑商战模拟课程,同时开发了相关的行业专业课程,包括但不限于:零售业、消费品业、金融业、烟草业、医疗业、B2B制造业。HCD produces industry focused business simulations for China’s several key industries includes the retail industry, consumer goods, financial, tobacco, pharmaceutical, and the B2B sector.我们的优势 Advantage合得国际拥有一支由200多名知名教授和各行业资深专家组成的团队,在市场营销、战略管理、领导力发展等领域拥有丰富经验。合得国际还拥有强大的全球资源,与哈佛商学院、欧洲工商管理学院、莫斯科商学院(SKOLKOVO)、中欧商学院等顶尖商学院建立了长期合作关系,并在上海建立了高管培训基地。The HCD team is a highly qualified group of over 200 world-famous professors, consultants and experts. We have our own teaching facilities in Shanghai and also have a strong global network that has built up strategic partnerships with Harvard, INSEAD, Skolkovo, and CEIBS.我们的客户 Clients我们拥有300多家顶尖客户包括通用电气、西门子、ABB、施耐德、摩托罗拉、诺基亚IBM、索尼、英特尔、爱默生、阿斯利康、拜耳、惠氏、强生、家乐福、乐购、欧尚、华润万家、联华、宝洁、联合利华、太古、卡夫、尼尔森、蒙牛、网易等。GE, Siemens, ABB, Schneider, Motorola, Nokia, IBM, Sony , Intel, Emerson, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Wyeth, JNJ, Carrefour, Tesco, Auchan, CR Vanguard, Lianhua, P&G, Unilever, Swire, Kraft, Nielsen, Mengniu, Netease, etc.合得国际HCD Global电脑商战模拟Computer-based Business Simulation合得国际系列电脑商战模拟是测试和操练各种商业概念的零风险平台。通过逼真再现的商业环境和对虚拟企业的运营管理,帮助学员有效掌握现实中各种管理问题的应对方法,从而真正提升日常管理经营中的分析决策能力,同时最大可能地规避现实经营中因决策错误而造成的潜在风险。HCD Computer-based business simulation is a risk-free platform for testing ideas. Our technology allows a participant to condense a long-term perspective into a matter of days. Not just in theory, but through the lessons of real market factors they’ll see at once how a decision made today will affect the company’s value in the years to come.在商战模拟中,学员扮演公司各部门的高级管理人员,对该公司每年的经营做出一系列决策,并与其它学员经营的虚拟公司竞争。决策涉及企业发展的各个方面,帮助学员在激烈竞争中深入理解企业战略市场活动中各种复杂变量之间的关系。The fast pace and hands-on experience creates an intense energy, making participants eager to apply their new skills. It is a lot of fun, but also hard work, executives find the combination irresistible.核心模拟课程Core Simulation Programs零售风暴 Storewars 英特斯达 Industrat全球最富盛名的消费品和零售业商战模拟课程the worlds premier industry-specific consumer goods and retail business simulation高级医药营销模拟 Pharmaceutical Simulation 全球唯一针对B2B商业模式企业的模拟课程the worlds only B2B simulation program focused on industrial manufacturing烟草模拟商战特训Tobacco Marketing Simulation专为快速变化的中国医药行业定制的系列营销课程a simulation specifically designed for the fast-changing pharmaceutical industry 为进入品牌竞争时代的中国烟草市场量身定制tailor-made for Chinese tobacco market in the era of brand competition决胜快消General FMCG Marketing Simulation 耐消制胜Durable Goods Marketing SimulationFMCG行业中高层管理人员全面市场决策模拟训练a simulation specifically designed to educate marketing strategy for FMCG 为耐消行业特设的最具前瞻性和创造性的市场模拟课程a creative and insightful marketing simulation specifically designed for durable goods industry谈判模拟 Negotiation Simulation LINKS在线 LINKS Online零供双方博弈合作过程的逼真模拟课程a simulation designed for negotiation exercises in retail/FMCG industry营销在线 Markstrat 全方位模拟企业管理和市场营销的在线系列课程Web-based simulation focuses on Enterprise Management, Marketing, Services and Supply Chain Management专门为训练学员的高级战略营销理念而设计a simulation specifically designed to educate advanced strategic marketing concepts合得国际HCD GlobalHCD 消费品零售行业学院HCD Consumer Goods and Retail Learning Institute我们是目前为止中国地区唯一一家专门面向消费品和零售行业的行业培训学院。我们拥有国内外公认的零售和消费品实战管理专家, 同时结盟全球顶尖商学院, 结合中国零售市场的现状和发展趋势, 设计并提供贴近中国本土市场的国际化专业人才培养方案。We are the only industry focused learning institute in China targeting the consumer goods and retail industry. With widely recognized and seasoned industry experts as well as alliances with world class business schools, we design and provide international executive development solutions tailored to the China market.HCD消费品零售行业学院的国际专家团队在国内外的平均行业实际管理经验超过25年。On average, our experts have over 25 years’ of hands-on industry management both in China and abroad.针对中国零售业快速发展、中国本土零售商和国际领先零售商的差距不断缩短、以及不同发展阶段零售商需求差异化的现状,我们提供灵活多样的人才培养模式:In order to better fit the fast growth of China’s retail industry, the narrowing gap between global and local retailers and the differentiated needs of retailers at different stages, we provide a flexible people development approach:- 行业专题公开课 Open programs- 公司特设专题内训 Corporate in-house programs- 公司特设多模块短训班 Corporate multi-module programs- 零售管理定向委培班 Corporate-sponsored retail executive development programs- 高管辅导Executive coaching- 人才测评 Executive assessments- 高管智囊团 Board council自2003年以来, 大中华地区已有100多家消费品制造和零售企业、超过1500位中高层管理人员成为HCD行业学院的校友。Over 1,500 executives from more than 100 consumer goods manufacturers and retailers in Greater China have become HCD alumni since 2003.合得国际HCD Global投资估值培训课程 Investment Banking Training Course投资估值培训课程是一门全球领先的高端投行课程,由合得国际与顶尖投资银行专业培训机构–美国投资银行学院IBI(The Investment Banking Institute)合作推出。The Investment Banking Training Course is a cutting-edge and high-end program tailored under the cooperation of HCD Global and the Investment Banking Institute.通过小班化的行动式学习和国际顶尖投资银行家的辅导,学员将迅速提升实战经验,熟悉金融建模和估值分析方法,在最短的时间内掌握投行业务的最核心技能。该课程在欧美享有巨大的声誉,上千名正在或曾就职于华尔街着名投资机构的专业人士接受过本课程的培训。With action-learning in a small class and facilitated by top Investment bankers, the trainee can quickly master the key skills of financial modeling and valuation analysis. With a great reputation in Europe and USA, there are thousands of professionals from some of the most prestigious Investment Firms on Wall Street who have taken the program.合得在线营销战略解决方案 HCD-LP Online Solution在线价值管理工具和在线市场营销战略课程由合得国际与美国Leverage Point合作推出,是基于Monitor管理咨询集团的研究成果和经验总结而开发的,已被诸多国际知名公司采用。LP has been provided to many world-famous enterprises and the team behind it comes from Monitor Group.HCD人才测评中心 HCD Talent Assessment CenterHCD人才测评中心成立于2004年,主要帮助我们的客户选拔,测评和保留优秀的中高级经理人。HCD人才测评中心运用尖端的人才测评系统,依靠为大量的中国高级经理人进行测评而建立起来的模型,帮助企业管理者全面地了解员工的特质及其背后的真正原因,找出激励员工的有效方法和提升领导力的途径,最终帮助企业提升组织绩效和核心竞争力。Founded in 2004 to help our clients in China to recruit, assess, select and retain talented business managers and executives, HCD talent assessment center provides comprehensive assessment services via our proprietary software platform and effective norm.HCD投资咨询业务 HCD Investment AdvisorHCD投资咨询业务的重点是为客户提供在中国的投资咨询,投资项目评估和投资项目管理服务。我们的主要服务范围包括:市场情报研究,尽职调查,投资项目评估,合作伙伴挑选,中国市场进入战略的设计和实施,对投资项目的管理监督等。Currently our business focus is to provide investment consulting services and investment assessment/supervision in the China market. We conduct market intelligence study, due diligence, investment assessment, joint venture partner selection, and entry market strategy design & execution, and provide management supervision of invested companies in China for our investors and partners.地址:上海市人民路885号淮海中华大厦302室邮政编码:200010联系人:人力资源部电子邮箱:careers@hcdglobal.com




